January 6th hearing…

Well…have been watching the January 6th hearings to try to find a topic for this afternoon…without a lot of luck since the hearing seems to not be going anywhere….and this judge Luttig is just too verbose and doesn’t make a lot of sense to me….damn, he could put me to sleep if I’m not careful….I guess what the gist of it is is that no one believed that the vp could choose the president other than the idiot trump but they all tried to make it happen anyway….so, I’m still watching but I think they could have made this point in about 5 minutes and moved on to something else….we know that idiot boy tried and tried to pressure pence to do something illegal that he wouldn’t do…but lets not make Pence out to be a hero here…he spent 5 years being the biggest trump suck up and going along with all of his criminality so doing one thing right does not make him a hero…there have been some tantalizing bits about how Eastman had his hooks into the SC and that he expected there to be real acceptance of his scheme there and ginni thomas was right in the middle of that as can be shown by all of the texts and e-mails she sent to Eastman….so yeah, maybe a little new information but nothing too earthshaking….other than the committee now wants to talk to ginni thomas about her role…so a little progress…..hmmmm…

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