June 16th

Well…damn, my shoulder hurts again this morning and it is getting annoying…it goes away after a few hours but until then the pain is keeping me from moving it much…I wonder if I can take a day off the bike here soon? I just feel so worn out and I think part of it is too much sun at the beach…so, I may not go out there today with the hearings on at one that everyone should be watching….I know my skin can use the rest…maybe I’ll go out after the hearings and sunscreen up so there is no more skin damage….I did get a little work done yesterday, filling in the hole that I think was a woodchuck den at one point and then seeding it with grass seed…the shade seed is already coming up in the patches I did in the front lawn replacing the moss I took out and it will be filled in a few days from now…and I still have 3 bags of topsoil to do other repairs on the lawn and I hope to get to that in the next couple of days…it looks like the car is not leaking coolant anymore and I’m not sure why it was…checked it last night and everything is full and I haven’t seen anything under the car so I can breathe a little easier about that….not much to do today…need to get on the bike here in a few minutes to get the first ride in and the I need to make a run out to DD to get some packages of honey ham they have on sale for 1.88 for a pound and a third and I need to look at the ollies ad to see if there is anything I need from there since it is just across the street from DD…don’t know how much else I’ll do with feeling this worn out but I know it won’t be much….more later….

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