Well…since it’s the last day of the month, I thought I’d just noodle around a bit and talk about what happened…over the past week, I got everything done that I had on my plate…getting the cleaning done on my teeth…that now takes me at least 15 minutes twice a day to maintain and uses 3 different tools along with an anti-bacterial mouthwash that makes everything taste like crap for 3 hours…and that cost me 800 bucks out of pocket but I had to get it done if I am ever going to get my gums to heal and keep the rest of my teeth…yesterday, I got my new phone and new plan which was number two on my list and that cost me much less than I expected…and saved me 20 bucks a month and that’s not a bad deal….and I like the new phone but need to get a case for it since it is so thin and I am used to having a case on the old phone…but, after spending 800 bucks over the past couple of weeks, I really don’t want to spend any money at all so maybe I’ll wait til I get my next influx of cash in three weeks…oh, and I just read that the cost of living increase for next year could be 11% and that would add over 250 bucks to my monthly payment…and that would be pretty cool…and I did find a doctor to finish my to do list even if I won’t see him til next month…I did get out to the beach to play in the waves today and that was fun…but there was an alewive die off so there was a fishy smell and lots of small fishes washed up on the beach and floating in the water….but I still went swimming but was only out there for an hour or so since I wanted to get the potatoes done for potato salad that I’m going to make tomorrow….so it looks like I have the weekend off and I may even have a cocktail for the first time in over a week to celebrate….we’ll see…no more this month…