Well…darn, I could get used to this…out to the beach again today to take advantage of the lake being just perfect to swim in and the center of the lake buoy says it is even 68 degrees all the way out there…so it must be over 70 inshore by the beach….all I know was this was the first day I didn’t have to get used to the water at all and it was completely flat and nice to walk in and out without getting beat around like you’re in a mixer….but I do think I made a mistake…normally when I go out I have sunscreen on from riding the bike but today it was cloudy and I forgot to apply it so I was out there with bare skin and I got pretty scorched so I think I’ll need aloe later….I do need to put a tube of screen in the cooler just in case I want to stay out there longer than two hours….I think I’m going to need a new beach chair since mine is starting to come apart in place and it should with being 15 years old…probably will have to buy a nicer one but it still has to be small so I can fit it in the trunk….hmmmm….