Well…it’s been so damn funny to hear the idiot trump’s enablers trying out all of the reasons why they say he isn’t guilty of multiple felonies after the FBI raided his tacky golf club…and now they have settled on a wild lie that trump set up a “blanket declassification” for any top secret papers that he took to his quarters in the WH…which really isn’t a thing at all…there are procedures that have to be followed for declassification and they didn’t follow one of them so, in reality, none of the stuff found was declassified…but, that doesn’t matter anyway since the laws that were broken don’t even mention whether the papers are classified or not..it doesn’t matter, what matters is that he took them and didn’t give them back when asked…and for every page they found, it’s a 10 year sentence…so arrest this prick already…and while you’re at it, get the finger printing of the papers and boxes done asap and the arrest anyone else who handled these documents since just doing that is against the law, too…oh, and one last thing…from the laughing and joking happening on Russian state tv, they already have copies of the stuff that idiot boy took…and that right there is treason and you know what the penalty is for that…the Rosenbergs were hung for giving Russia state secrets…geez…oh, and the title of this one is from a Joe Walsh song…wanted to give credit where it’s due..