Feels like I’ve gained 5 pounds…

Well…okay, this is pretty weird…after only doing one ride today after the grocery run this morning, I feel like I’ve gained 5 pounds and look like it too…so how can that be? I only avoided burning about 6-700 calories (my estimate) so it should take 5 days of that to gain a pound…crap…and calculators say riding an hour with my weight at 180 and 15mph burns around 900 calories so riding for 2 1/2 hours a day should burn over 2K…probably shouldn’t worry too much about one day but you know how guilty I get about this crap…other than that, I had an okay day and did get out to the beach finally…but the water was too cold to swim…at least with how I was feeling when I got out there..so I just burned my skin a bit and came home after about an hour or so…. and then just took it easy the rest of the afternoon…and I just realized that tomorrow is Sept. 1st and I sure don’t know where the summer went….oh, well….

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