Well…it looks like SC chief justice John Roberts got his fee fees hurt from the protestors outside the supreme court there to voice their displeasure with the court taking rights away from more than 50% of the country when the gutted roe…and he is whining and whining about it saying that people shouldn’t do that just because they don’t agree with any court ruling. Yeah…pretty damn tone deaf when he allowed alito to reach back before the constitution was even written and use the ranting of a witch burner as justification for taking away rights for the first time in the history of the court…and Johnny boy, you fully supported ignoring settle law and precedent when he did that…and you are a grown man whining like a little kid when someone doesn’t like you acting like a frickin king and criticizes you… and you have telegraphed you are going to let the right wing hacks on your court continue to try to come for voting rights as you did when you wrote the opinion gutting the voting rights act saying that “racism no longer exists in this country” so the VRA is no longer needed…so quit your whining…you did this to the court…you engineered this collapse of the legitimacy of the court and you still allow Thomas the seditionist to sit on the court as his wife tried to overthrow the government…so just quit your bitching until you fix the damage you’ve done…geez…