Just lit the fuse…

Well…just took the medicine that is supposed to clean me out for the colonoscopy and it feels just like I lit the fuse for a bomb that is going to go off here in about an hour…this stuff is in pill form but the damn things are huge and you have to take 12 of them…still better than drinking the gallons of stuff I had to do for the last one…that stuff had me puking my guts out as it cleaned out my colon and I think that is why it didn’t do a very good job…and I have 12 more of them to take at 7am and I really don’t think I’ll be sleeping until tomorrow night…I don’t think I slept at all for the last one either but it would be nice to get a few hours tonight….at least the process has finally started…the waiting was a pain but I have less than 24 hours and the whole thing will be over…should be done by 3 or so tomorrow afternoon….it really hasn’t been too hard to not eat since last night and it did make me realize that I do eat sometimes by habit and not for fuel as I should….and I really will only have missed about 3,000 calories and that won’t make much difference….I’ll probably be pretty worn out after this whole thing but I will be back on the bike Tuesday….

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