October 24th

Well…survived the night and just dumped the last 12 pills in me for the second round of cleansing and I am just frickin worn out….no food for two days and no sleep, or very little sleep is not a recipe for feeling good but the pills are just so much better than drinking the gallons of cleanse I had to do last time….9 hours from now it will be all done and I hope it’s the last one I have to do….finishing up the empty calories of the half gallon of apple juice I bought to keep my body idling over the past two days and I never want to see that again…and I’m going to have some coffee here in a minute since that is considered a clear liquid and I do need the caffeine to continue to move…but I have to be done with everything by 11:30 since I can’t have even water from 3 hours before the procedure and that is going to be a task…I can chew ice chips so I guess that will have to do…I am so looking forward to making the 4 cheese self rising pizza I bought just for this day and I am going to add olives, onion, and ham to it to bulk it up a bit….and I’ll probably eat half if it since that will give me a fast 1,000 calories and lots of carbs….and I am going to need to have a cocktail or two for tonight just to relax and try to make up for the sleep deficit from the past two days…okay, the pills are starting to take effect and I need to drink more water….more later….

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