Well…another 5:28 morning today but I feel like I got a good 6 hours and that I will take any day of the week…and I feel pretty good today with being good for a second day in a row and tonight will make it three and I may get to five this week…we’ll see…didn’t do a lot yesterday but get the rides in and do laundry and I did finish up the t-day food so now I need to figure out what I’m going to make since I don’t have any protein on the grocery list for this morning so it will be freezer diving or maybe pasta for a meal today…I did get a free box of texas toast last week with coupons that Meijers sent me and I have free milk and lots of other coupons for today…should save about 6 bucks from the coupons this week and every little bit helps…it will be nice to have something else than turkey for the main meal today….it looks like I’m done with yard work for the year since I don’t have many leaves left and the wind will take care of most of them…going to ride indoors today with the gale warning we are under for the next two days and the wind is already whipping around out there…survived riding outdoors yesterday with just a little tightness in my back and side and I can live with that…the only problem with getting up so early is that my chores for the day don’t fit the timeline starting so early….I may have to head over to Sternberg road this morning since that aldis opens a half hour earlier and I can hit Meijers there first…then be back here by a little after 9…I did get a care package from my daughter yesterday…when we talked over the weekend, I mentioned that my skin gets really bad over the winter and my heels crack from the dryness…so she sent me body lotion, hand lotion, and heel crack lotion so now I have enough to get through the winter without having to search all over for it….not much to do today…just need to get on the bike after another cup of coffee but it’s still only 6:15 so I have a little time…and then the grocery run and more world cup matches…and I promised myself I will clean some today since I’ve let the kitchen go too long without doing the floor….more later…