Well…man, it is really strange to me to have everything I had to do today done by 8:50…got a downstairs bike ride in starting at 6:30 then read a little news before I got out to do the grocery run but that put me back here before 9 and that is really early for me..coming out of aldis the wind was gusting so hard that I though my groceries were going to blow away…they were sailing straight out from my hands and I was really hoping that I wasn’t going to have to chase my groceries across the parking lot…but I’ll take is since it is giving me a chance to relax and finish off the coffee before the first world cup match…and that is a conundrum since there are two matches on at 10 and I have to figure out which one will have the most action…I know Argentina needs to win to move on but Mexico does, too, and they are on at the same time and I always root for the teams who are in our region if they aren’t playing us…I guess I’ll watch France play at 10 and then Poland/Argentina at 2…and I think I’ll be able to see one other match after that in re-run….so maybe Mexico then….so it looks like another wasted day but I’ll probably do some small cleaning as the day goes on…and I need to start doing doubles downstairs so I need to find 45 minutes to do that…maybe between matches? We’ll see….