Well…finally, I broke the string of lazy days and got some stuff done today…as I said, I got the bike ride in and the grocery run done and the settled in to watch the first WC match…but, during that match I decided to get to work and cleaned my kitchen including mopping the floor and scrubbing the cabinets and baseboards and then I mopped the bathroom floor while I was at it…while that was going on I put all of the throw rugs in the washer and got them washed and dried and put a yellow one up in the kitchen to replace a raggedy blue one that I’ve had in there since I moved in here…the yellow one is in much better shape and much softer and thicker and that will help since the kitchen is over the crawlspace and the floor is always cold…and I need to stand out there when I’m doing the dishes….next up is going to be my bedroom since it is pretty dusty and I can see some cobwebs in there that need to go….but Poland and Argentina is on right now and I want to see that one….