Well…it looks like I’m back to the 3-5-7 pattern again…up at 3:03, up again at 5:37 and out of bed before 7:30….but getting up that late make me run late for getting on the bike by 8 so it looks like I’ll not get to that until 8:30 since I do want to have some coffee in me before I get on the bike…it’s always a struggle when I ride without a jolt of caffeine…..it looks like we’re going to get a lot of snow melt over the next week or so with temps in the upper 30′s into the 50′s and I’m okay with that….cripes it’s 44 right now and getting to almost 50 today….watching a show on British tv right now that has Motown music from the BBC and I’m transported back to when I was 11…and I’m still here at 69…what does that say? Nothing I guess….didn’t get much done yesterday with the plan to take the day off but I’m not planning to do much today…not a day off since I’m going to ride the bike twice…Marvin Gaye is on from 1965….strange….not much to do today…my back hurts for some reason and I’ll probably heat it between rides to keep it from seizing up…this has gone on way too long…..still have leftovers so I don’t have to cook anything today but I probably should plan meals for later in the weekend but I don’t want to…I have 18 minutes to get on the bike and that is too soon….more later….