Ohio, you deserve better…

Well with the huge environmental disaster caused by the train derailment in Ohio a week ago, Joe Biden has offered federal help to Ohio to help cope…and guess what the governor’s response was? This asshole DeWine wouldn’t take Joe’s call just because he’s a maga idiot who would love to poison his people to score political points and try to make himself look tough…so, people of Ohio, your governor doesn’t give a shit about you…and this poisoning of a quarter of Ohio is the largest environmental disaster in my lifetime…and I’m older than hell….and to top this off, the reason that train derailed is that the idiot trump and his business cronies who run the railroads got an Obama era regulation removed because it was going to cost the railroads to retrofit the train cars….so this completely avoidable tragedy was all the result of repub governance and it is just a little taste of what will continue to happen to you, Ohio, if you keep electing these asshole…geez…

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