Well…after getting up this morning to almost no pain even with having my mouth torn apart yesterday, I was really hoping it would make it easier to eat…it has been painful for the past year with the huge sensitivity to heat, cold, and pressure…it was so bad that I was never eating hot or cold food… only eating tepid stuff and even the acid from oranges sent me into screaming pain even though it was at room temperature…so today when I had hot soup for lunch and was able to eat it without tilting my head to the right to keep the food off the left side of my mouth…and I damn near broke into tears…never thought I’d ever be able to eat without pain again….my jaw is still pretty sore from the stress they put on it yesterday and I can’t open it all the way but I know that’s just temporary until the strain heals…one thing I’m sure of is that I don’t take this for granted…and I am going to relish every pain free day if they continue…you just don’t know what this has done for my quality of life….