May 30th

Well…damn, how does it go from 84 degrees to cold enough that the heat comes on? The weather has been weird out here and so damn dry that even the trees are looking wilted…slept okay last night but I am so damn worn out from all of the health crap that all I want is a day off to not think about it….just got an alert on my bottom banner that says: Air; poor…and I guess that means that the heat and lack of wind is going to let the air pollution get pretty bad later today….didn’t get much done yesterday but I am going to cook today…at least for one meal…going to make some catfish and fries in the air fryer and use the leftover burger for the second meal….and tomorrow I’ll grill some pork steaks that I thawed…and I’ll make some potato salad after I get some sweet pickles on the grocery run…the problem is I can’t taste a damn thing…what’s the point of eating?  Not much to do today…just going to get on the bike in a minute to get the first ride in…crap…the weather widget just changed to “record high” and I wonder if I should drag the AC unit out of the basement? Probably not…don’t mind the heat…more later…

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