Well…after the criminal trump found out he was indicted and spouted it out to his crazy, stupid followers, lots of them started brandishing their guns and saying they were going to start killing people if idiot boy is forced to surrender tomorrow and all I have to say is bring it on you assholes…start shooting people and you will find out that you are a bunch of loud mouthed nothings who will be put down like the rabid dogs you are…you sit there playing soldier with your bragging about how tough you are and that you are “going to take your country back”…hey morons, it’s not your country anymore…no one wants you you pack of crybabies…damn, I am so sick and tired of you assholes threatening people and carrying your stupid penis enlargers everywhere you go….are you so scared of everything that you have to have a gun with you all the time? times are changing and people like you are dying out and I can’t wait for the day when the last embers of your delusion die the death it deserves…along with you…FAFO…morons…