Well…I got I’ll call a swim in today but it lasted a total of about 2 minutes the water was so cold…but I went under so that counts and makes it 66 years in a row that I have gotten a swim in Lake Michigan…didn’t do anything else today other than cook on the grill…made some chicken thighs, Italian sausage, and roasted potatoes so I’ll have food for a couple of days….man, it’s hot out here but my house isn’t too bad with the wind blowing so I may not have to put the AC unit in this year…we’ll see…it’s 88 outside but only 78 in here and I can live with that…need to put the fan on in a minute to get some air moving…I think I got the mini bike shut down yesterday since the idiot kid was nowhere to be seen or heard today….good riddance…I think I’m going to watch the “Extractor” movie tonight and that will take up most of the night but then I’ll probably do the Korean show after that…okay, need to go out and put the trash out…it’s too hot to have trash sitting out next to the back door…doesn’t smell too bad but I’m not going to take that chance…