Well…I don’t understand how anyone can still think that climate change is not real…and it not just weather…weather changes all time is what the deniers say…but that does not explain how Phoenix has had 37 days in a row of over 110 degree highs…the arctic has even had hundred degree temps this summer…in South America, it’s the middle of winter and 9,000 feet up in the Peruvian Andes it is over 100 degrees…temperatures that have never happened before…and this heat is melting the snow cover that people downstream depend on for water to survive in the summer…now that IS climate change, folks…these temperatures are higher than in Paris this summer that has caused heat emergencies all summer….we need to stop subsidizing the oil and gas companies and have a government program that will put solar cells on every house in this country…not low cost but free…I know that sounds socialist but the good things in this country comes from socialism…think roads, schools, and infrastructure….our taxes pay for that stuff and it can do the same for renewable energy…geez…