Well…just sitting here a few minutes ago…well…have been just sitting most of the day recovering from the all day party yesterday and I had a thought…I’m sure you’ve heard the repubs go on an on about accountability, results, and measurement when they talk about education and are always first in line to impose these things on teachers, but what about all of the money they are handing out to business with the new business tax cuts that have just passed the legislature here in Michigan? Nope, not a thing about any regulation whatsoever or even about any accountability for job creation that has been held up as the sole purpose for these cuts. After all, with taxes being raised on you and me, we are paying for these cuts and shouldn’t we be able to ask to see the results? Shouldn’t we be able to recapture these tax cuts if they don’t do anything to create jobs here? I find it funny or maybe consistent that the repubs are all about using the power of government to control individuals behavior, but business gets a free ride to claim our money for their own personal use….since we all know cutting taxes for business without strings attached just puts more money into the hands of the already rich…and has never created one job…not since Reagan…not with Bush, not with anyone…geez…