Well…damn, up at 4:04 this morning and that started the long process of getting out of bed that ended at 6;47…and I am tired today…cripes, I’m tired every day…didn’t get a lot done yesterday but I really need to get off my butt and do something or I’m going to fall into a doom loop of inertia and guilt….man, doom loop would be a good name for a band…have been sore the past few days and I have no clue what I did to hurt myself…only have 40 minutes before I have to get on the bike and the coffee is not working at all yet…and I ran out of shows to watch on the bike so that sucks…okay, I need to stop bitching and get doing…still don’t need to cook today with having one more portion of ribs and a full container of soup in the fridge and I am on the fence about buying a ham this week…have 3 ham bones in the freezer to make soup but they are small and I could use a little more…but Meijers doesn’t have Cooks ham anymore and they were much better than the Meijer branded hams….not much to do today…I am still working up to taking a day off and I’m running out of time to do it…I’m getting really old and I don’t know how to shut off my guilt to allow it….more later…