Well…don’t the repubs ever learn? No they don’t so here we go again with them starting to spout off about repealing the ACA again…never mind they had years to do it after it was passed and they even had total control of the government for some of those years…and we know what damage the last “plan” would have done if it was passed…32 million people would have lost their insurance and those who didn’t get it through their employer would have seen the cost double immediately…oh, and let’s remember that that plan would have gutted pre-existing conditions protections and it even through in a tax cut for the rich because that is all the repubs do…and one other thing that the ACA has done is lower the uninsured rate from 18% down to a low of 7.2% which is a record low…and all of that is at risk because people on the left are pissed at Biden because he didn’t give them everything on their wish list or that he still supports Israel…and they are willing to throw away this country because Biden is “too old”…and I’m tired of these whiners…look, in politics change is usually incremental when you are working for the good of the people but, like with Roe being struck down, you can lose good things in an instant…and a vote for anyone but Biden is a vote for trump….geez…