Well…crap…just noticed I only did one of these yesterday and that is not acceptable..not sure how that happened but it won’t happen today…out of bed at 5:34 this morning and I need to get on the bike in 20 minutes so I can get an indoor ride in before I do the grocery run…it’s going to be a three store run today with stopping at DD to see if the deal on burger is true…I mean 3 bucks for 60 ozs? Has to be a misprint but it’s on the way home so I’ll take a look….didn’t get much done yesterday other than a little garden work and I am going to take it easy…for me..today…still pretty darn sore and don’t want to make that worse…my perennials at the back of the house have bloomed and that is cool…have three colors opening and it’s nice to have a little color out there…and I have a few sunflowers that have survived and I hope they get to the point that they bloom…had a possum in the yard yesterday and I wonder if it was cutting down some of the veggies in the garden? Not much to do today…need to get started soon and that is harder than it looks…and I have a big grocery list that is going to be a lot of work…I’m tired…more later…