Well…it was a pretty good day today and I even got my 32 miles in today and only had to skip the second half of the F1 race to do it…it was boring anyway…and now I’m watching Indy that started 4 hours late so it is running at the same time as the Coke 600 but I’ll finish Indy before I go over to watch nascar…I do have some flowers on both my bean plants and pepper plants…and quite a few of the pepper plants that came up in the cups are starting to grow so I’ll have peppers late in the summer…and I’ll plant the last pack of broccoli seeds in about 3 weeks so those will feed me later in the summer, too…I even have 6 sunflowers that the squirrels haven’t discovered and they are up over a foot tall now…but I’ll probably go out there tomorrow and they will be cut down…we did get some rain here but it didn’t last nearly long enough for the lawn but I’m not going to water it…it may rain later tonight so I’ll keep my fingers crossed…I think I may do a second planting of beans later, too since they freeze well and I’ve never grown more than I can eat…need to plant onions next year…if the leeks don’t turn out…