Well…damn, I’m not sure if I’ve ever hurt this much in my life…just sore everywhere and it hurts to pick up my coffee cup…and that makes me laugh…I am getting old, after all…I wonder if I need to throttle back at my age? Yeah, probably, but will I do it? Who knows….slept okay last night but was up around 5 and I still can’t figure out why I can sleep on my back now…did 38 miles on the bike yesterday but I’m not sure how many I’ll do today with having lunch with T down in GH later…will probably try to get on the bike here in 15 minutes or so and that will set me up for three rides and make me hurt even more…the big boat event happens this afternoon so I’ll have to keep the beers to a minimum at lunch so I can ride down to the marina when I get back here…it goes on tomorrow but it’s supposed to rain all day but I’ll believe it when I see it…the force field kept us dry yesterday when there was a strong line of storms heading this way and they just fell apart over the lake…need to pick some peas today and I have no clue how to cook them…do you take them out of the pods or just steam them without taking them out? Can’t taste anything so I guess it doesn’t matter….more later…