An 11 point swing…

Well…you know I really hate fox news for the damage they’ve done to this country and I’ll continue to hate them…but, they came out with a poll a couple of days ago that should have the repubs shaking in their boots…they have Joe in the lead and gaining but the big shocker is the 11 point swing to Biden by independents…and the majority of that is because of the 34 felony counts that the idiot was convicted of…how anyone with a functioning brain could be sitting on the fence when one of the candidates is a really good human being who is great at being president and the other is the scum of the earth felon rapist is still beyond me…maybe they just haven’t paid attention like I do? All I have say is I would much rather be our side a lot more than the idiot…and the first debate next week is going to show the country and the world how far idiot boy’s mental faculties have declined…or the idiot is going to find a reason to run away and not show up…his handlers should be scared shitless of how bad this will be for idiot boy…and I can’t wait…geez…

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