Well…up at 4:34 and then out of bed at 6:05 and I need to get moving at first light to get two rides in before the rain that should be here by 11…this time it really looks like it’s going to rain but I’ll believe it when I see it…allergies are terrible this morning and it’s going to be a lousy day with my head plugged up…sore everywhere after swimming and using new muscles yesterday… and it looks like I’ll have to treat the pain for the rides today…I may even try an ibuprofen to see if I can avoid the pain in the left side of my neck…didn’t get much done yesterday other than the rides but I do need to do laundry and clean the couch today along with vacuuming…I do have chicken legs and thighs that need to be grilled so I’ll do that when it’s raining this aft but I’m not sure what to have with the chicken…have a few small tomatoes and some baked beans that I could have…I wonder if I should make a pasta salad? Haven’t made one in quite a while and that sounds good…not much to do today…just need to get coffee down and get the rides in…will probably have to do two loads of laundry with having a set of sheets to be done along with some towels and the couch cover…more later…