Well…damn, I hurt everywhere this morning and I think this may be an ibuprofen morning…really don’t like to do that but I’ve been using too much voltaren to try to make it thought the rides…I did get three rides in yesterday and I’m gradually heading to the goal that I’ll hit in a week and a half or so if I keep up the 38 miles a day…didn’t get anything done yesterday but cooking but I need to feed the lawn to take advantage of the rain that is coming tomorrow and use up the leftover food…then I won’t feed it again until the fall food goes on in October…I really do need to clean the kitchen today, too, since the sinks are getting pretty bad and the prep table is too…and that will lead into the bathroom but with how humid it’s been they would never dry…but the weather is changing over the weekend down into the 70′s and that should help…I do need to order the parts to rebuild the bike and I have enough cash back on my capitol one card to cover it so all the parts will be free…and I’m going to order a new set of earbuds since the ones I’m using are getting pretty old…I should make a list of the things I need so I don’t miss anything…not much to do today…just need to get started on the bike as soon as it gets light in a half hour and then take it from there…more later…