Lots done today…

Well…it’s been a busy day until now and I am pretty worn out from it…I did get the grocery runs in and got my vaccinations and so far, no pain or problems from it…and I found out that I don’t need an RSV vaccination this year so in two weeks I’ll be scheduling the shingles and a tetanus shot since the last one was almost 15 years ago…and that will being me up to date with the recommended ones for my age…I did get a nice little surprise at DD when they had 1 pound packages of Oscar Meyer smoked ham on sale for a buck…when was the last time you saw name brand ham for a buck a  pound? That just about made my day along with getting the rides in and having the top down on the car even though it was a little cold…and I have two little round bandaids on my left shoulder…after not sleeping much last night, I should feel worse than I do…but I think no cocktails is offsetting it some…so I think I’ll do that for a few more days at least…who, knows?

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