Well…damn, this flu vaccination hit pretty hard and I’m sitting here in pain and feeling like I have a slight fever…has felt like I have a groin pull with how much pain my hips are in but it’s not the only place I hurt…my shoulders and knees hurt, too…and I had another really crappy night of sleep that ended at 5:34 today and I think I was up more than I slept…and it’s 51 degrees out there right now so the first ride will be indoors and I may only do two rides since I want to head for DD for more ham and then go to the beach after lunch since it’s getting to 87 degrees today…and that will be the last time for the year…another night of being good last night but I don’t feel good enough to keep it up..but who knows? Didn’t get a lot done yesterday other than the grocery run and vaccinations…need to start working on the yard to get it ready for winter but not in the heat of the next few days…still no rain at all in the forecast for the rest of the month and that will be a knockout blow to my lawn…oh, well…not much to do today….took some tylenol for the pain and hope it starts to work soon…more later…