September 17

Well…another fitful night’s sleep after being good last night and that’s becoming a broken record for me…but, I feel okay and I haven’t even started the coffee yet…I’m hoping today will be a more normal day with emby working so I’ll have background noise all day…I am seriously thinking about going down to 25 miles a day on the bike and only doing two rides…have so much cleaning and maintenance to do around here and I have met the goal for the year and my body could use some rest and repair time…it’s only 53 out there right now so it looks like I’ll have to wait to get on the bike this morning unless I do an indoor ride and I’ll decide that here in a few minutes after I’m done here…I do want to go to the library for more books this morning but that doesn’t take much time…and I have some chicken legs that need to be cooked or frozen today and I’ll decide that in a few minutes, too…no beach today since I got a good burn yesterday and my skin won’t take the abuse…not much to do today…just going to take it a little easier and make sure I eat enough…yesterday I didn’t…more later…

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