Scientific American endorses Kamala…

Well…with the news from yesterday that for only the 2nd time in it’s 179 year history, “Scientific American” has endorsed a candidate for president and it’s Kamala Harris…who else could it be? the intelligent woman who believes in science and the scientific method and the fact that climate change is here and is destroying cities across Europe with the torrential rains an flooding this week…if you can find it, take a look at the news release where they point out that idiot boy would be a disaster for the environment as he was in his term…and his only idea is “drillĀ  baby drill” when we should be leaving all of the carbon in the ground and forcing the oil companies to buy solar installations for anyone who wants it for their house…and we need to calculate the cost of the damage they’ve done with their lies and claw that back from them until they are out of business…so, I welcome SA putting science where it needs to be…driving environmental regulations that will at least start to lower carbon emissions…

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