A good day…

Well…it’s been quite a different day today and only doing two rides has had something to do with that…started out getting the two rides in but I went a little too hard with knowing I only had two to do…so, my thighs are sore right now but I can live with it…my neck is better and fingers crossed it is healing…then I went over to the library to get three new books, then back here for lunch…then I needed to get something done so I cleaned the whole kitchen and mopped the kitchen and bathroom floors while I was doing laundry…just put that away and now I’m waiting for Man U to play at 3…and I am going to really watch the match this time…or read and watch the match, not sure yet…I’m really working toward only having cocktails only two nights a week but won’t get there for a couple of weeks and that’s okay…will need to clean the living room tomorrow and maybe the dining room, too…we’ll see…time to take a break…

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