September 18th

well…up and down all night last night and out of bed before 5:30 but I feel okay and I’ll take…I may have broken my compulsion to ride all the time with going down to only 25 miles a day…and I’m even just sitting here this morning at 5:50 instead of hurrying up and getting downstairs to ride before the grocery run…I may still do it but at least there is the possibility of not doing it and that is progress, I think…it’s only 52 out here right now and I hope it warms up a bit so I can put the top down on the car for the grocery runs…running out of those days and that sucks…oh, well…it felt good to get some things done yesterday and I hope to continue that today with cleaning the living room and putting the tools away downstairs that have been out for a month…and I need to get after ordering the new parts for the bike today, too…it will be third day of being good tonight and I’m slowly moving toward only having cocktails 2 nights a week and I should be there by the end of the month…just need to get my body back to feeling better but at my age, I wonder what that will be like? Can’t be worse….not much to do today…just going to try to have another normal day and enjoy myself a bit instead of going, going, going all the time…way too task oriented and organized and I’m going to try another way…more later…

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