Well…I did make it to 60 for the month but I’m concerned that my political commentary has suffered lately….I do have one of those right after this one so stay tuned….a fun day yesterday after the coffee shop debacle when I met up K and V for a couple and then back here for Burn Notice and a couple of cocktails….back to the not sleeping thing again and I am tired today but I’m still considering going out to the beach this morning….there is a line of storms that is getting ready to come onshore at GH but they should be through by the time I get there…I spent 80 bucks yesterday on groceries but it felt good that I had the cash to pay instead of the credit card…and I have so much bad food to make over the weekend that I’m smiling…burgers and brats..yay….not much to do today…I really should go to the beach just to get out of here and then I have to get some supplies…I do feel a little crappy so I need water and the couch for a while….more later…or right now…