Well….I really do like the fact that “Countdown” is back since it sometimes gives me topics for the day….last night, Sen Chuck Schumer was on and he did something that I have been calling for the dems to do for at least a year now…he said the unthinkable…that the repubs are planning on crashing the economy for political gain and that is what this whole debt ceiling fight is about……I see some heartening signs that the dems are starting to call them on this nonsense not only by sen Schumers remarks, but sen Reid coming out and telling the country that Medicare and Medicaid cuts are off the table period….and they are pushing for the needed tax increases on the rich but coloring them as the patriotic duty of the well off to help the country that has given them so much…I think the tide is starting to turn….I wonder what was put in the water that made the dems grow a backbone? Whatever it is, keep doing it and maybe we can get our country back from the repub thugs….