Didn’t get anything done…

Well…I start being good again tonight and this week I’m going to go all the way til Friday and then only having cocktails Friday and Saturday from now on…it hasn’t even gotten to 70 out here today and I had to do the first ride indoors since it was only 51 degrees when I got up and I’m just not up to putting a fleece on to ride yet…and my gloves, hat, and shoes were all still wet from riding in the rain yesterday and that would have been nasty to be cold and wet…didn’t get anything done today other than two outdoor rides so I wonder how the heck I can be running so far behind…the wind had picked up to normal of 15-20 out of the NE so both rides back were a chore and I think I hurt my legs from it…they are stiff and sore right now and it hurts to just get up from the couch so I’ll have to take it easier tomorrow…one good thing is the bike is working great after replacing the broken rear shift cable and I’m going to enjoy that…may even just do two indoor rides tomorrow since it’s supposed to rain all day…yeah, right…

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