September 24th

Well…that was okay…went to bed at the normal time and just tossed and turned a little until 4:14 but was able to get back to sleep for another hour and a half so I’ll take it…no dreams to speak of but that was okay…feel good after the first night of no cocktails and I am looking forward to keeping that up til Friday…it looks like I’ll be doing at least the first ride indoors this morning with the rain and it’s supposed to rain all day off and on so I guess we’ll see if I can get outdoors later…I did need to get some work done today and get the basement organized and remove some cobwebs…will have to get the grocery list done this aft even though there is not a lot to get this week…will have to do some meal planning since I’m getting tired of sandwiches and would like some hot food but I don’t know what that would be yet…I do have the ingredients for chicken masala so I’ll make some in a couple of days……not much to do today…need to get on the bike by 8 or so to start out the day…it’s going to warm up over the next week or so and that will give me time to get out and do some yard work…might even have to mow the lawn with the rain we’ve gotten….more later….

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