Got some work done…

Well…man, today is the first day in a long time I’m not going to get an outdoor ride in…it has been raining since I got up before 6am and it looks like we have 3 or 4 more hours of it before it’s over and I’m reveling in it…after the indoor rides, I got right after getting started on the basement and I have the tools all put away, lots of cobwebs have been vacuumed up along with cleaning the floor, and I took the AC unit out, cleaned and dried it, and put it away downstairs…so I think I’ve earned a little take it easy time before I get on to the weight work here in 15 minutes or so…have the grocery list done for tomorrow and really don’t have a lot to get so I’ll be eating out of the freezer for this week….it does feel strange to not even think about riding outdoors today but that is helping my thighs heal that I hurt yesterday in the wind…so now I’m going to read a bit and get out the weights…

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