October 9th

Well…damn, up a little after 5 this morning but I did go to bed early from boredom so I guess that evens out…I did sleep okay, for me, and I feel okay this morning other than being damn sore from cleaning the garage siding yesterday…the last time I did it, I didn’t have the extension handle I used this time so it went a lot easier with a lot less climbing up and down the ladder…it looks pretty good and will keep til spring…might even get some of the house done this week…cripes, it’s only 35 out here right now so the outdoor rides will probably wait til later after I get the grocery run done…with wholesale coffee prices up 80% in the last 6 months, I wonder if I should stock up now before the increase hits retail prices more than it has? It’s already up to 9 bucks a can and could get to 12-15 bucks soon…hmmm…I am going to hit DD for chicken breasts at 2 bucks a pound so I’ll be making chicken Masala this weekend and potato soup today…I do need to plan better so I don’t have so many leftovers going on at once…the “saddle sore” I’ve been fighting for the past 10 days is finally starting to heal so it doesn’t hurt to ride the bike…or it does but it’s tolerable now…need to get on the bike here inĀ  half hour to get an indoor ride in before I need to get moving…going to hit menards for some stump killer to treat the stump and let it rot over the winter…and I need to get the fence ties installed…maybe this afternoon…not much to do today…just my normal busy day that falls every Wed…four stores to hit today but I can’t buy much since the freezer is full…need to start using the canned goods I have on the shelf and make burritos to use the lettuce and tomatoes in the fridge…more later…

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