It’s still dark…

Well…if there is anything I hate it is having to wait to get on the bike until it gets light…I’m warmed up and ready to go but at 7:30 I still don’t see much light out there…so I guess I’ll sit here for a bit and have more coffee…the temp is already up to 61 so no fleece this morning and that will be welcome….I probably should get dressed and drag the compressor out to the garage since I haven’t aired the tires on the bike up in a month…and I should do the same for the car tires since I haven’t checked them in months…and I do want to clean the wheels and try my new battery powered impact wrench to get the lugs off…I do need to cook this afternoon so it’s going to be busy all day…okay, need more coffee and to start prepping to head out…more later…

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