Well…as of this afternoon, the idiot trump is a convicted felon although he paid no penalty at all for the 34 felonies he convicted of…no fines, jail time, or restitution so I don’t get what the point was…as I’ve bitched about before, if it was anyone else, their ass would be sitting in jail right now for at least a few years…but there is one thing that few people are talking about and that is the travel restrictions that come with being a convicted felon…many countries do not allow convicted felons into their country and I can’t wait to see the list of places he can’t go…but I do fear for this country when it is no longer equal treatment under the law…it really is one law for them and one law for us…and I blame this timid judge and the other prosecutors who have folded like a house of cars in the face of idiot boy’s bullshit….this is going to take generations to repair…geez…