Got the fenders on…

Well…knowing that it was going to snow and stay cold through the rest of January, I thought I’d take the outdoor bike downstairs and put it on the stand since I had some work to do on it…the first thing was mounting the new fenders and after some fiddling around, I got them done and they look okay…very light weight and they will move around some when I hit bumps but they all do that so I’m happy with spending 13 bucks on the pair….they do look cool and add finishing to the bike…nice flat black plastic….we’ll see how long they hold up…and I’ll have to watch it when I get on the bike or I’ll break the rear fender…I did get three rides in this morning and I’m just waiting now for the snow to stop so I can go out and shovel the 5-6 inches we’ve gotten already…and I still wonder how much of the alley I’m going to have to shovel so I can get out to the dr appointment Monday morning…probably all of it from my driveway to 7th street…about 30 yards or so…oh, well…still need to put the new hand grips on the outdoor bike along with wd the whole thing so it will be protected from rust….okay…time to suit up and get shoveling…

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