The Smith report…

Well…with the idiot trump being elected last fall, it looks like he will never be held accountable for trying to overthrow the government…and Smith’s investigation and report showed without any doubt that he had the goods to convict idiot boy on all charges but the SC gave him a “get out of jail free” card with their ruling of limited immunity for a sitting president…but, since Smith proved that his actions on January 6th were in no way part of his legal duties, the evidence should be preserved and the idiot should be recharged as soon as he leaves office…I know that some of the pundits are saying that the idiot will commit more crimes this time since he is a criminal and we should just wait for those and then charge him again…and it we take the house back in two years, there will be at least one more impeachment and maybe even charging him in the ICC with war crimes he committed in his first term and will commit in this one…we need to restore the rule of law in this country to get ride of ogres like trump…geez…

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