Well…I was able to to get outside for a ride this afternoon in shorts! It is so freeing to get out of the thermasuit for the first time this year…and the strange thing was going out this morning, I was in full thermasuit and I can’t remember doing that and then going out in the afternoon in shorts…and tomorrow looks like three outdoor rides and I hope all of them will be in shorts…and I got the car washed after the first ride today and it sure needed it…but it won’t make another winter so I need to get off my butt and find a new car…I did finish the 4 books I got last week so I can go to the library tomorrow and pick up 4 more…and that will be a top down run…haven’t seen the stupid turkey the past couple of days and I wonder if he got run over by a car…that would be a shame since he was providing me with a lot of entertainment…I get to watch all of the good shows tonight since I’ve been saving them all week…so I should make the ice I need for cocktails…