Well…slept okay last night and I got through the whole day with no pain in my eyes so I’ll take that…have already washed my eyelids and put the heated compress on them and that really cleared the crap out of them…it’s going to be warm this aft so I’ll wait to do the outdoor rides until then and then I’ll be able to go out in a t-shirt and shorts but that means I’ll have a big hole in my day from 9 after I go to the library so I think I’ll make the potato soup I have planned this morning…so I need to get an indoor ride in at 7, shower, head for the library at 9, make soup, add to the sourdough starter so I can make the dough tomorrow, then lunch and wait for the temp to come up…I seem to always need to plan my days even this long retired but that makes it easier and then I get things done…it is supposed to storm tonight and the we have winds tomorrow with steady 25-35 and gust to 50 so I won’t be outside on the bike…and the high Sunday is only 35 so I’ll be back indoors again for a while…and there is snow in the forecast for next Thursday as the cold settles in til April…ick…not much to do today…just need to get started on the plan here in a half hour or so but want more coffee first…not going to hit the goal of 2K miles before the end of March but that’s okay…the only goal I have left is to ride everyday and keep my string going….more later…