More wandering….

Well….heard this lyric on the bike ride “now my bitter hands cradle broken glass of what was everything”….and, while I know it was a romantic lament from “Black” by Pearl Jam, I was struck by how it was a such a great descriptor of where my life sits at this very moment….and I still struggle to understand how age trumps everything that you’ve accomplished in your life…shouldn’t it be that all of that experience and education means something? Oh, well…I won’t bore you with any more musings about that…I’ve already done that enough….I’ve had this uneasiness that has settled over me the past couple of weeks and I know the core of it is this question “what if I never find another job?” This is a brand new sensation to me and I really don’t know how to cope with it yet….cripes, more musings…have to stop that.

I was going to talk about politics in this one but since I’m running behind in the count this month, I’m going to leave that for a later one today…probably in about an hour so come back after lunch…you really didn’t want to work anyway, did you?

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