Just bored….

Well…I wonder why it is that even great days can be a letdown…I’m sure it has to do with the anticipation of greatness and when Michigan stunk up the joint at noon the air just came out of it…and I’m bored right now so that is why I’m back here for a little while. I don’t know if I can recapture the excitement for the Tigers game and that is a disappointment. This dish has been giving me fits all day with at lest 4 resets and if it does it again tonight I think I’ll take a hammer to it…oh, don’t have a hammer so I guess I’ll have to improvise…the pizza came out great so that was a plus and helped a little…but the leftover chicken for dinner was just so boring, too…hmmm…I notice a theme here….I hope the wind calms down by tomorrow…don’t know if I can take being out with it blowing 30 again…I was going to do a political one today but the outrage meter is on empty and I really don’t want to fake it….so I guess I’ll go and get the fixins ready a cocktail or two…I did have to put the heat on today and now my furnace has this weird hiccup when it shuts down like it wants to start again; firing up the blower for two seconds and then shutting off….at least I don’t have to pay to have it fixed….just hope it doesn’t kill me in the middle of the night….or do I?

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