Well…from the start, I have been a supporter of the “Occupy” movement but I am starting to see some things I don’t really like…in Oakland yesterday there were some idiots who thought it would be a good idea to smash windows and do other acts of vandalism and I think it will hurt the movement in the long run if these folks are allowed to continue this lawlessness. It is a first amendment right to gather and protest, but it is just criminal behavior to allow these people to continue this nonsense. I don’t really place the blame on the “Occupy” organizers, since with any movement you get the outlier idiots that take it too far, but if they want to be taken seriously, some plan to find and remove these people should at least be in the works. I think we need to remember the right wing tricks of the sixties where people that were not members of the protests were sent in by the repubs to act badly and give the right excuses that could then be used to tar the whole movement. So, I would counsel vigilance at this point…to keep an eye out for this kind of shenanigan and to end it quickly when it happens….