November 4th

Well…it was a busy day yesterday and I am looking forward to a little less today….I’m feeling a little uneasy about things lately and I’m not sure why…well…I kind of know why but I won’t share that right now….there were some dreams last night that included a boat that I used to own along with lots of people that I didn’t know…not nearly as weird as I like….not much else to say right now but I do have some things to do today…might have lunch with T…nope…that’s about it….more later…

I think the uneasiness is caused by the reality that this job is not going to pan out and I’ll be back to the daily grind of sending resumes and hoping something will happen….a disheartening state of life that wears on you after a while when you know that the chances of ever working again grow slimmer with each passing day…and this calls into question all of the tenets you’ve lived your life by…that hard work and education will be enough to ensure your success..but that is just not true anymore and I don’t know what replaces that yet…what are the new rules?

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